Steve Jobs was worth $10.2 billion when he died. He co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak. Apple is one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world. As of January 2025, its market capitalization is estimated to be around $2.7 trillion, with over 160,000 employees and $394 billion in revenue.
I bring you these facts because I like to learn from brilliant people. Here is a man who specialized in technology but said, “It’s not a faith in technology that I have. It’s faith in people.” To introduce to the world products like the iPhone, iPad, Mac computers, Apple Watch, AirPods, and services such as iCloud, Apple Music, and the App Store... you need first-class employees.
So many so-called leaders hire people to tell them what to do. Attitudes of “I’m the boss,” “My way or the highway,” and “When I want your input, I’ll ask for it” are common. Jobs was just the opposite. He said, “I don’t hire people to tell them what to do, I hire them to tell me what to do.”
Smart leaders make people believe in themselves, feel good about working for the company, and, most importantly, feel special about being chosen to work there. Ralph Hart, a former CEO of Heublein, a company with thousands of employees, personally greeted new hires. He wanted to let them know how the company, and he himself, felt about having them on board.
Mr. Hart would go to their office, cubicle, alcove, or desk and ask the new employee if they had a minute to talk. He would then explain: “The company you are working for is first-class. We have first-class products, first-class marketing, first-class advertising, and first-class customer service. We believe all of our customers are first-class people.” Then, with his eyes riveted on the new employee, he would state: “To maintain the high standards we set in everything we do, we must hire ONLY FIRST-CLASS PEOPLE. That being said, we are delighted to have you working here.” He would conclude his chat by extending his hand and saying, “Welcome to our company.”
In less than two minutes, this CEO had made an enormous impact on his new employee. There is nothing better than making someone feel special. There is nothing better than telling someone you believe in their talent. There is nothing better than letting someone know just how excited you are to have them working for you. If you want first-class employees, then treat them like first-class. Employees will go out of their way to do more, deliver more, help more, innovate more, and take on more responsibilities when they are treated with respect and high regard.
Two highly successful CEOs who understand that great companies are all about having great employees. What are you doing to make your employees feel first-class? If you can’t answer that question, you have a problem—and you are investing time, effort, and money training someone who will eventually leave and possibly end up working for your competition.