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Writer's pictureRobert Stevenson

It Can Only Be Earned

Robert Stevenson Blog - Respect

The definition of RESPECT is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. The RESPECT I want to address today is RESPECT gained by your qualities, your character, your integrity, and your actions in your daily life. This type of RESPECT cannot be bought. It cannot be demanded. Fear will never earn it. It can only be given. And, most importantly, you must give it to get it.

Robert Stevenson Blog - ARE YOU? RESPECT


Those who revere STATUS more than RESPECT will NEVER get it.

If you are wondering if you deserve respect, then you should be able to answer “YES” to each of the following questions:

I had a young person come up to me recently after one of my programs and explain they were having trouble getting noticed at their company. They asked me if I had any advice that would help. I told them the key to getting noticed had to do with the last word they said to me: “HELP.”

If you want to stand out – help others

.If you want more friends – help others.

If you want to be remembered – help others.

If you want people to trust you – help others.

If you want to advance your career – help others.

If you want that leadership position – help others.

If you want to be considered for a promotion – help others.

If you want to gain the respect of your peers/boss – help others.

Helping others can never hurt you. And by doing so, you will gain the RESPECT from everyone around you. So, “helping others” and “gaining respect” have a great deal in common. The key point of RESPECT is you must first GIVE IT to GET IT. The great Albert Einstein once said: “ I speak to everyone the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the President of the University.” Money may gain you power, but only character will gain you respect.

Robert Stevenson Blog - RESPECT

One great way to show RESPECT is to listen to what others are saying. Listen to understand, not to reply. The simple act of listening shows RESPECT. It shows you care enough to give of your time to hear what they have to say. If gaining the RESPECT of others is important to you, here are a few other things you should consider:

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