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Writer's pictureRobert Stevenson

What Keeps Them Coming Back?

Robert Stevenson Blog - Why Choose You

In this time of heavy competition and global communication that instantly allows people to share their opinions world-wide with the click of a button, I would suggest it be PRIORITY #1 in any company to figure out what your customers want, need, desire and expect. Define how you want your company to be remembered through the “Eyes of Your Customer.” Make sure everyone in your company knows what that definition is and strives to do everything they can to make it happen.

Lauren Freedman, President of the E-tailing Group once said, “Always keep in mind the old retail adage: Customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.” Even in this age of advanced technology and e-commerce, the human side of doing business with a customer is of paramount importance. This spells an enormous opportunity for all companies who want to enlarge their market share. Only one company can be the cheapest, all other companies have to do something else to attract customers, so raising your level of customer service will greatly help you enhance your market share.

I feel so many companies are fighting their competition the wrong way. They are spending enormous sums of money advertising, trying to establish their brand and presence in the marketplace, rather than DOING MORE than their competition, which will cause their customers to tell their friends, associates and family about how great a company they are. Millennials (ages 22-37) are now the largest age group in America and Gen Z (under age 22) will take over that title by 2020. What do more than half of Millennials and Gen Z’s say has the most influence on their purchases? Their answer was “Comments on Social Media.”

Disappointed, displeased, unsatisfied, unhappy customers all happen because of one simple word … the company or person delivered LESS than expected, LESS than required, LESS than promised. Eventually, LESS will kill any company. LESS is a disease that is caused by a poor corporate culture. The moment when LESS becomes acceptable as being OK to deliver is the MOMENT the disease will start to spread and begin destroying a company. If you want to succeed, you better fully understand what it is your customer is expecting and do everything you can to never deliver LESS than their expectations. When you make your customers’ expectations become a reality, everyone wins. LESS from you will always result in MORE business for your competition. So, you better understand their expectations.

One of the most powerful statistics I have ever used came from a study conducted by the global consulting firm Bain & Company where they stated: 80% of companies believe they deliver superior customer service, but only 8% of their customers say they do. That being said, if you want to be successful, I need to go back to my first statement in this article: IDENTIFY what your customers want, need, desire and expect. DEFINEhow you want your company to be remembered through the “Eyes of Your Customer.” Make sure everyone in your company knows what that DEFINITION is and strives to do everything they can to make it happen.

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